Udah nonton Dinner for Schmucks? Kalo belum elo harus nonton! Film-nya engga berat kok. Cukup light dan tanpa sadar membawa pesan moral yang cukup jelas. Di dalam film ini, setelah film berakhir dan berlanjut ke credit, ada lagu yang cukup memotifasi para losers dan pecundang di luar sana. Bahkan dari judulnya aja udah jelas. "Dear Laughing Doubters".
Terjemahan : Buat elo semua para orang yang ngetawain gue.(mungkin engga terlalu tepat, tapi ya kira-kira gitu lah terjemahannya!)
Lirik-nya :
Dear Laughing Doubters by Sondre Lerche
What a morning
Made to order
What a rainbow
We'll go there someday
See that blue sky
Knows no limits
That's why the clouds stay away
It's so easy predicting the way
People shrug in surprise
When they hear what I say
Hear laughing doubters
I'm laughing louder
I don't really care
There's a song in my ear
I've been hearing for years
Somehow it always appears
What a way to
Spend the day you
Can't turn a corner
Without making friends
Every second
Life gets better
I don't know where it will end
It's so easy to know what they'll say
When i walk through the streets almost every day
Dear laughing doubters
I'm laughing louder
I don't really care
There's a song in my ear
I've been hearing for years
Somehow it always appears
Dear laughing doubters
I'm laughing louder
Why should I care
There's a song in my ear
I've been hearing for years
Somehow it always appears
Made to order
What a rainbow
We'll go there someday
See that blue sky
Knows no limits
That's why the clouds stay away
It's so easy predicting the way
People shrug in surprise
When they hear what I say
Hear laughing doubters
I'm laughing louder
I don't really care
There's a song in my ear
I've been hearing for years
Somehow it always appears
What a way to
Spend the day you
Can't turn a corner
Without making friends
Every second
Life gets better
I don't know where it will end
It's so easy to know what they'll say
When i walk through the streets almost every day
Dear laughing doubters
I'm laughing louder
I don't really care
There's a song in my ear
I've been hearing for years
Somehow it always appears
Dear laughing doubters
I'm laughing louder
Why should I care
There's a song in my ear
I've been hearing for years
Somehow it always appears
Okay, kalo dicermati liriknya dalem banget ya. Mudah-mudahan elo semua yang dikatain pecundang, bisa berkaca pada diri elo sendiri dan nyanyikan lagu ini lantang-lantang.Uoh! Buat elo semua yang ngatain gue!
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